Interview Tips and Tricks


You have perfected your resume, written your cover letter, submitted your application, and now you have been selected for an interview. It’s time to prepare! Use these interview tips and tricks to get ahead in the interview process:

  • Do some research
    • Be sure to look through the company or farm’s website, social media, and press releases. It’s important to know the company’s mission, accomplishments, and who will be interviewing you. Having this background information before going into the interview will help you stand out.
  • Review the job description
    • Take note of the requirements and skills listed in the job description. Highlight any keywords that you can relate to your experiences in the interview.
  • Practice answering questions
    • Practice or write down answers to common interview questions. Rehearse your delivery to ensure your answers are conversational and not robotic. Having an idea of key points you would like to convey will help you be quick on your feet during the interview.  
  • Know the details
    • Is the interview over Zoom? At the office or farm? It’s important to know the details of the interview to ensure you do not miss it or show up late. Make sure you have any relevant links, addresses, name of the interviewer(s), and any other information. 
  • Prepare questions to ask the interviewer
    • In order to show your interest, it’s important to ask a few questions after they have finished interviewing you. These questions can result from the research you conducted prior to the interview or from something that came up during the interview. 
  • Follow up
    • After the interview, send a thank you note or email to the hiring manager or interviewers. Describe your appreciation for their time and your interest in the position.
