How to Write a Resume

It’s important to have a resume that separates you from other applicants. Your resume should contain five main sections:

1. Contact Information

Your contact information should be easily accessible to the reader, either at the top or along the side of your resume. In this section you need to include: 

    1. Your first and last name
    2. A reliable phone number
    3. An email address– make sure your email address is professional, free of any nicknames  
    4. City and state of where you currently live 
    5. Optional information – Your current job title 
    6. Don’t include: your date of birth, full residential address
2. Professional Summary

This is an introduction to the rest of your resume. It should include: 

    1. A few introductory sentences to encapsulate where you are in your career
    2. Your most impressive professional accomplishment
    3. Your most relevant hard and soft skills
    4. If you are new to your career path use this section to write your resume’s objective 
    5. Avoid I and my pronouns

Professional Summary Example: New agrarian with 2 years of experience working with horses in multiple facilities including trail rides and barn work. Well versed in nontraditional work style and longer than 8-hour day workload. 

Resume Objective Example: Pursuing a position as a new agrarian where I can utilize my passion for agriculture and environmental concerns that allows for development of professional growth. 


3. Work Experience

It’s important to remember not to put every single job you’ve had on your resume, but also important not to create gaps between roles. 

    1. Start with your current position and work backwards in reverse-chronological order. 
    2. Each past work experience should include: 
      1. Job title 
      2. Employer or company  
      3. City and state 
      4. Employment dates (start and end; month and year) 
      5. A small description of accomplishments and responsibilities
        1. 3-5 bullet points
        2. Numbers speak louder than words. When recruiters look at your resume, dollar amounts or percentages quickly catch their attention. 
4. Skills

Including skills in your resume can be a great opportunity to show your talents and target keywords listed in the job description.

  1. 6-8 skills listed in bullet points that you would bring to this position
  2. Skills should be:
    1.  A mix of hard and soft skills
    2. Specific to the role you want
5. Education

Provide some insight on your educational background and how it can apply to this position.

    1. Type and title of your degrees or certificates
    2. The full name of the school you attended 
    3. Any education awards or distinguishing accomplishments
    4. If you hold two or more degrees, list them in reverse-chronological order.
Other tips and tricks to consider: 
  1. Use keywords: scan the job ad for skills and qualifications the recruiter is looking for and identify which of those skills and qualifications you already possess
  2. Use strong action verbs: starting sentences with action verbs when you begin to write your work experience creates good flow and definitive statements (Example: “Developed a grazing plan.” versus “Was responsible for the grazing plan.”)
  3. Proofread 
  4. Resume should be one page long
  5. Margins should be 1 inch on all sides
  6. Normal line spacing (1 to 1.5 inches) 
  7. Use standard fonts (Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman and Georgia are good ones to stick to) 
  8. Saved as a PDF 

